A family farm built to honor God, generation by generation.


Four generations of Braswells have been blessed to lead our family business. By God’s grace and with our family of dedicated employees and growers, we have been able to serve our customers and each other for more than 80 years.


The Story

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JM & EG Braswell left the small family farm to work at Boddie Milling Co. hoping to feed their families.

— 1942
Mr. Strickland sold Boddie Milling Co. to JM & EG.

— 1943
Ronald and Gene (2nd generation) returned from military service to join the family business.

— 1956
Braswell Milling Co. was established when JM, Gene and Ronald purchased an old Wayne Feeds mill inside Nashville town limits.

— 1950s
BMC diversified and began to raise laying hens and produce high-quality shelled eggs.

— 1960s
Times were very hard as eggs were selling often for half of what it cost to produce them.

— 1970s-1980s
Scott Braswell (3rd generation) comes back to start working with the family and builds Red Hill Egg farm in 1979.

— 1978
Braswell becomes a founding member of Eggland’s Best Eggs.

— 1989
Scott Braswell becomes President.

— 1991
Braswell buys Glenwood Foods and long-term customer becomes one of the first to produce organic eggs.

— 1996
Carolina Egg Company is built, the company’s first modern inline egg producing and grading farm.

— 1999
Trey Braswell returns to the company as the 4th generation of eggheads to lead the farm.

— 2008
Braswell Family Farms is officially birthed out of the rebranding of Braswell Foods.

— 2017
Braswell Family Farms is one of the largest specialty egg producers and organic feed mills on the east coast with active plans to continue building its flock farm by farm.



“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14


OUR Family

Our family isn’t complete without our experienced, hard-working, and wonderful employees, vendors, suppliers, customers, and contract growers. Whether they have been with us for a few months or 20+ years, we are grateful for their dedication and committed to promoting their well-being.